IELTS speaking questions with answers in 2024

IELTS speaking questions with answers in 2024

IELTS speaking questions and answers are provided in this article.
We provided these IELTS Speaking Questions/Answers so you may understand what kinds of queries you might encounter and how you can potentially respond to them.
They will also help you come up with topics for conversation. You won’t benefit by trying to study them so you can utilize them in the test; that is not why they are here.
First off, even if certain subjects are frequently discussed, they might all differ somewhat, so even if you respond with knowledge, you might not be able to address the issue. Additionally, since you won’t sound natural, examiners will be able to tell whether you are employing taught replies.
Based on part 1 of the test, the following IELTS speaking questions and answers.

Some Questions & Answers for IELTS Speaking.


What are you studying at the moment?

I attend university to study history. I started this four-year study three years ago, so I just have one year remaining. It will be sad when it ends as I’m really loving it.

What do you like most about your studies?

We study a wide range of historical topics, including politics and warfare, but I really enjoy studying about historical lifestyles. It’s incredible to observe how drastically our lives have evolved from the past to the present. While there are certain aspects of our lives that have gotten considerably easier, there are other aspects where people were happy when things were simpler. Acquiring knowledge of all that is intriguing.

What do you hope to do in the future when you have finished?

Right now, I’m not sure, but I might become a teacher. I’m taking the IELTS because I want to continue my education and pursue a master’s degree in a particular field of history. After I’ve finished that, I’ll probably make a firm decision about what to do.
Right now, I’m not sure, but I might become a teacher. I’m taking the IELTS because I want to continue my education and pursue a master’s degree in a particular field of history. After I’ve finished that, I’ll probably make a firm decision about what to do.


Where is your hometown?

The Vietnamese capital city of Hanoi is where I was born and raised. It is situated in the country’s north, not too far from China’s southern border.

Is there much to do in your hometown?

Oh Yes, it’s a really large city, so there are plenty of things to do there. There are plenty of excellent restaurants and pubs if you enjoy going out in the evenings. There are art galleries and museums if you’d rather engage in cultural activities. However, there are many additional easily accessible natural attractions outside of the city if you enjoy the outdoors.

What are the people like in your hometown?

Although most of them are nice, it may appear that they are not interested in talking or striking up a conversation since, like in most large cities, they are all frequently busy. However, if you’re a local, you already know that most people are willing to help you out if you need it and are very pleased to converse if they have a moment.
Note: If you are Looking for the more test practice like this IELTS speaking. Check out this page.


What is your job?

Right now work as an office manager for a huge marketing business. I’ve been in this position for nearly five years. I’m generally allocated to work with a single business to increase sales using a variety of marketing methods.

Do you have to work with other people?

Oh, yeah, all the time. It’s a large office, and we all need to work together to reach our goals. I need to communicate with colleagues such as graphic designers, as well as administrative workers who report to me. Of course, I have to collaborate with the firms for whom we provide marketing services. So, yeah, I will have to cooperate with others.

Do you think you will change jobs in the future?

That’s not something I’m thinking about right now because I appreciate what I do and I know that I work for a great Company. The salary is competitive, plus they provide additional perks like as flex time and end-of-year incentives. However, change is usually a good thing, therefore I don’t see myself staying there long. I’m confident I’ll change one day.

Leisure time

What do you like to do in your free time?

I actually participate in a lot of sports. I typically play football on Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons with a local team. I also play tennis and squash when I can, but I don’t have as much time for them every week. I work hard right now, so I don’t have much leisure time.

Have your leisure activities changed since you were a child?

In reality, it’s not much. When I was younger, I loved playing football and played a lot at school. Of course, I did all of the other activities that kids enjoyed, such as going on bike rides after school.

Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people?

Honestly, it depends on my mood. I believe that most individuals require some solitude. My work may be stressful at times, and I spend a lot of time with people, so it’s nice to come home and unwind with a book or whatever. But I become bored if I spend too much time alone, so I prefer to go out and meet people in the evenings or play football.
Note: These IELTS speaking questions answers are just example of what question look like and how you can respond.


Do you like to travel by train?

Yes, I quite enjoy them. On a train, you may rest and stare out the window, read, or use your laptop; it’s all really pleasant. It is more difficult to accomplish those things on the bus since there is less room, and the movement might also make you nauseous. The main issue with trains in my nation is that they are frequently delayed or late. That might jeopardize your journey.

Where do you usually go by train?

It is frequently on long treks across the nation to see friends or to attend an appointment. Short trips in my neighborhood or to work are considerably easier to drive or take the bus. As previously said, you may do things like read on the train, making it ideal for lengthy rides.

When was the last time you travelled by train?

Er….I’m not sure; let me think about it. It’s been a while now. I believe the last time was last year, when I traveled up to meet some friends I hadn’t seen in a while in the north of the nation. Yes, that was it. It was probably a three-hour ride, and I had to change trains once. The first train was a little busy and noisy since I believe people were heading to a football game, but it was a good ride for the most part.


Are you good at managing your time?

Actually, I’d say I’m not very good! I don’t really have a system in place for organizing stuff. I’m aware that some individuals use an electronic organizer or other gadget to arrange their activities, but I do not. But I always arrive on time for appointments and other commitments, and I meet deadlines and complete tasks.

How do you manage your time?

As previously said, I do not have a precise strategy in place to manage my time. For example, if I am at work and have a large number of cases, I just look through them each day and determine which ones to address first. At work, we have an online journal, which I believe I utilize, so I do control my time to some level.

When is it most important for you to manage your time?

I believe it is probably while you are at work. When you’re not at work, it won’t matter much, or at least not to you, if you’re late to meet friends or for an appointment, or if you’re doing chores around the house. However, failing to manage your time properly at work might lead to missed deadlines and appointments. You might lose your job. So, in work, time management is very vital.


What kind of books do you like to read?

I usually enjoy reading biographies. I’m not sure why, but it’s fascinating to read about people’s genuine lives, especially when they’ve had intriguing lives and faced several challenges. I do read fiction, but it can be tough to discover a book that I really enjoy. I also enjoy reading books on current issues.

Do you read the same kind of books now that you read when you were a child?

Not really. Actually, I didn’t read much as a youngster, and if I did, it was mostly fiction literature like fairy tales. Examples include The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Things from the realm of fantasy.

When do you think is the best time to read?

I believe that any time is OK, but when I read, I want to focus, therefore I can’t read for short periods of time, such as on a bus journey, as other people do. I prefer to set aside time to appreciate it. So, if I have some free time over the weekend, I might read for a few hours. And I almost always read before going to bed; it actually helps me fall asleep.

Art Galleries

Are there many art galleries where you live?

No, not that I’m aware of. I reside in a tiny town, so I doubt there are any, although there are a few museums and other cultural organizations. However, our capital city has a large number of art galleries.

Did you like to go to art galleries when you were a child?

To be honest, I have never been very interested in art. We visited one as part of a school trip. It has many artworks by great painters from our nation. It was fascinating to see, I suppose, but I haven’t been to one since.

Should people have to pay to go to art galleries?

I guess it truly varies. If feasible, they should be free, because if people have to pay, they are less likely to attend. However, these items cost money, therefore a modest fee may be required to keep the art gallery operating. Ideally, the government should pay for this, as I believe such expenses are covered by our taxes.


Can you swim?

Yes, I can. I began learning at school when I was around seven years old. Swimming lessons were mandated at our school, as I presume they are in most schools.

Are there many places to swim near you?

Yes, there are several public swimming pools. The major indoor facility is located in a large sports complex near the town center. There are also a few outdoor ones, but they can only be used in the summer because the weather is too chilly in the winter. One is a large one in a park, while the other is significantly smaller.

Do you think everyone should learn to swim?

Of course, I believe it is quite significant. For starters, you spend a lot of your time on vacation near the water, such as going to the beach, so if you can’t swim, you won’t be able to enjoy yourself with your friends. Furthermore, it is critical for safety. You regularly hear of tragic incidents affecting young children, thus it is critical.
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